
The thing about the original is it seems so hard to find. I've seen a few old DVD editions kicking around eBay and Amazon, but that's it. It's never shown on TV, that I know of. I know it wasn't Citizen Kane but damn it was a lot of fun.

Are you suggesting that a member of this administration would less than honest about their intentions?… Uh, oh. Right…
*unwraps candy bar*
I withdraw my question.

I prefer my butts in a light syrup.

I know what you mean. This is the kind of unhinged self-serving rant that comes before a homicidal rampage. Or, possibly a coordinated terrorist attack. I want to enjoy it, but it's hard to ignore the kind of hell these assholes are capable of creating.

"You know, at the beauty academy they teach us that people aren't black or white or yellow or red, but their hair can be."

If we're lucky enough to overcome all of this, I really hope we don't let these bastards off the hook. Unity and healing are important - AFTER the white supremacists are sewn into bags with wild animals and thrown into the river.

Hell yes. The line for free speech should get drawn at people who themselves are openly advocating violence. Getting bear-maced or punched while you're in the middle of rioting, or advocating for violence against minorities is no fucking tragedy. More like poetic justice.

Well, they are Nazis.

Do you know my dad???

"We're advising our clients to put everything they've got into canned food and shotguns."

"For me, the worst thing about having King Kong walk down your street is that kids could look up and see the giant genitalia." - Jack Handey

Wow, I was lucky. That had completely fallen out of my brain. Well that's over forever.

Next week: Discover the man who crafted the timelessly exquisite Juicy Fruit jingle of the late 80's.

Fuck this day. My wife didn't sleep last night because of panic attacks, work is shit as usual and to top it off the PTA group at my daughter's school may have something embezzlement related going on, and my wife and I are the only ones who want to call the cops. And then the ever-present fear of a "The Day After"

Interesting story (not so much interesting as it is long):

Don Corleone, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to Martin Shkrelis raping… On… the day of Martin Shkrelis raping. And may his first penis be an HIV positive penis.


Daniel-san brings his sense of balance and communion with the universe to his attempt to refinance his mortgage to a 3% 15 year fixed rate.

"Now, where did I put that nuclear briefcase? Hey, that duck's got it! Come on, give it back!"

Perhaps they deserve a good talking to, if you don't mind my saying so. Perhaps, a bit more.