Michael Colbert

Don't forget we also got Billy Piper and Tim Dalton so a timelord and a companion here too. FIrst ep is fun atmospheric and gets the tone right. It tickled me how everyone (except Hartnet) spoke with such portent; like the words dripping from their mouths wold unlock unimaginable horrors. I hope it stays more Hammer

I hadn't considered the magic angle and there is some validity considering that a Doctor Strange movie is all but confirmed for Phase 3 but, especially with your input, evidence points overwhelmingly to Inhumans

Good point, I had forgotten about Attilan being in Tibet at the time. Another support in the theory right there.

I agree in that I don’t anticipate anything VITAL to understanding one of the movies happening in AoS, BUT the TV show can serve as “Bonus Content”, as it were to help deepen and understand the MCU, which is something the hard core fans have been hoping for from AoS since the beginning. For example you don’t have to

On the mystery of Skye's origins (and her connection to Raina) one word: INHUMANS. Think about it;
1 -The alien that the healing compound was derived from was a Kree (confirm that by Guardians of galaxy trailer and he's freakin blue). Inhumans are a result of Kree experimentation on early humans.
2 - Marvel has been

groundwork already laid out for Sebastisan Stan to take over the shield from Cap. Odds are after Avengers 3

Lest we forget Skye has that Kree blood in her too. A potential story line for next season; Skye coming unhinged due to the effects of TAHITI? As for Ward - how bout he gets horribly scarred goes off the deep end (even more) and becomes a recurring villain with a obsessive fixation on Skye?
Loved the man-thing line too

And what about Nein Nub? Can't tell me Lando flew the falcon all be himself these last few decades! (angry thinkpiece to follow)

Best line - Dean: "…A giant robot with destructo rays for eyes."
Sam: "At least I'll see it coming."

Best line when Bobby tells his phantom dad: " i adopted two boys and they grew up to be heroes!" Beaver delivered the line with such fatherly pride it choked me up.

Anybody else catch Rick's memories of having sex with a hot girl and then that girl's face opening up in a terrifying mouth full of teeth?

The moment at the end where "William Hartnel" looks across the TARDIS console and sees Matt Smith made me tear up.
Slight but wonderful piece of work.

I'm surprised "The Silence in the library/Forrest of the dead" didn't even get lip service. to me that story encapsulates all the best of what Doctor Who can do; smart SF plot, brilliant ideas well executed, nods to the Doctor's mysterious past (or future as it was) and seriously F'n scary. Yes, Stolen earth better