muddie mae suggins

Yes! Thank you - the Lannisters, especially mad Queen Cersei, are the absolute worst. With the exceptions of the Night King, Littlefinger, and Ed Sheeran.

Since Randyll Tarley told them the gold made it to Kings Landing, and this was the end of the loot line, I'm guessing they were much closer to KL than the Reach.

I like Bronn as much as any viewer, but come on - how is he not dead from tonight's battle? I realize it is a fantasy show, but him surviving the countless ways he was almost killed tonight really stretches credulity. This is the show that gave us The Red Wedding, and yet Jaime, Bronn, and probably both Tarleys

Yes, this. I read that and thought Welcome to Oldsville - population me.

When she entered the Red Keep they removed the stone of shame, and had Frankenmountain add the stone of triumph.

Do we know why Evelyn's dolls have ventriloquist style mouths? The Sir Malcolm one was spot on (with beard) but every time I see those mouths I expect Evelyn Poole to go into a satanic Edgar Bergen Charlie McCarthey type of monologue.

It was interesting that he mentioned her hair since the witch force 3 just broke in and took it for the Vanessa doll.

I was thinking that was probably the only reason he survived

So leatherface Pinkerton guy is one of the legions of fallen angels right?