
"Good to see you commit to something."

Hey, what if the big reveal is that, like, we're all the killer, in a way …

I wouldn't want that to be the big reveal, but I'd gladly take a freaky Eyes Wide Shut scene along the way.

I love the shit out of this show, and, while I'll listen to criticism, I dismiss Greenwald's reviews out of hand. He's dug his heels in further with each successive week, and it's clearly become a personal thing between him and everyone telling him how wrong he is.

I was legitimately afraid she was going to commit or at least attempt suicide when she locked herself in her room. There's still the possibility of something horrible happening to one of his daughters, like the end of the review suggests, but I can't see Marty even pretending to keep it together in 2012 if something

It's pretty clear to me that Rust has just been obsessing over the case for the past ten years. He'd be a much smarter killer than to openly hang around every fucking crime scene.

I don't skateboard, but I wear a helmet at all times because you never know.

For instance, the clip where they push a Rolls Royce into the Grand Canyon.

Yeah, this would make a pretty kickass Levi's commercial.

Among my many hobbies, my favorite is being virtuous.

365 clips of that would be a pretty rough watch.

A tale of survival much akin to All Is Lost.

Sure, if you consider drinking with your hoodlum friends and skateboarding without a helmet "fun."

"I like one-second walks on the beach."

He's been too busy living life to the fullest.

I could start piecing together clips of the porn I watch every day.

Booooooooring! Who goes an entire year without hang-gliding over Niagara Falls or getting into a single shootout with the cops?

Just saw it. It really, really, really does.

For me, this show has hit Breaking Bad status and done so in FOUR FUCKING EPISODES.