
@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus I've definitely been there. Hope you feel better, man.

@avclub-742beee20e6d828dada4a2523e75df59:disqus That's fair. I guess my comment was more of an emotional reaction to people defending easy access to guns in the light of tragedies because they're worried about losing something fun to do on the weekend. I know a lot of people who hunt, and while I don't share their

@avclub-742beee20e6d828dada4a2523e75df59:disqus That's fair. I guess my comment was more of an emotional reaction to people defending easy access to guns in the light of tragedies because they're worried about losing something fun to do on the weekend. I know a lot of people who hunt, and while I don't share their

I'm partly irritated with hunting right now for topical reasons after reading about the death of that wolf in Yellowstone that scientists had been tracking for like six years or something. She was an alpha female of a famous pack and was considered the "most famous wolf in the world." Some hunter shot her for sport

I'm partly irritated with hunting right now for topical reasons after reading about the death of that wolf in Yellowstone that scientists had been tracking for like six years or something. She was an alpha female of a famous pack and was considered the "most famous wolf in the world." Some hunter shot her for sport

I saw a comment on a news site complaining about how disrespectful it is for "libtards" to bring up politics at a time like this. God, I wish gun nuts would just shut the fuck up and take their lumps when this kind of thing happens.. There's no need for any civilian to own an assault rifle ever, and hunting is a

I saw a comment on a news site complaining about how disrespectful it is for "libtards" to bring up politics at a time like this. God, I wish gun nuts would just shut the fuck up and take their lumps when this kind of thing happens.. There's no need for any civilian to own an assault rifle ever, and hunting is a

Children are being tortured and murdered in cold blood over there. It's depressing as fuck whether it's done by a lone nut gunman or a brutal regime. School shootings just hit closer to home.

Children are being tortured and murdered in cold blood over there. It's depressing as fuck whether it's done by a lone nut gunman or a brutal regime. School shootings just hit closer to home.

Yeah, this dude lived to be about 158 in robber-of-drug-dealer years. The stuff happening in Connecticut today, and in Syria every day, is truly fucked up.

Yeah, this dude lived to be about 158 in robber-of-drug-dealer years. The stuff happening in Connecticut today, and in Syria every day, is truly fucked up.

Yeah, you can say 58 is a young age to die, but he dodged a lot of bullets along the way.

Yeah, you can say 58 is a young age to die, but he dodged a lot of bullets along the way.

"How does a man rob drug dealers for eight or nine years and live to tell about it?"
"Day at a time, I suppose …"

"How does a man rob drug dealers for eight or nine years and live to tell about it?"
"Day at a time, I suppose …"

DAAAAAAAAAAAMN! Chris Tucker was great in Silver Linings. It was honestly good seeing him again.

DAAAAAAAAAAAMN! Chris Tucker was great in Silver Linings. It was honestly good seeing him again.

Totally agree. My favorite movie podcast by far, though I've recently warmed up to the much more sophomoric Film Vault.

Totally agree. My favorite movie podcast by far, though I've recently warmed up to the much more sophomoric Film Vault.