
So what you're saying is either (A) Obama's policies took a huge shift between his first and second terms, or (B) You're an idiot. I mean, we can go check the tapes, but I think this one's pretty clear.

Machine gun bullets can penetrate bar tables, but a politely worded request cannot penetrate Zenith's force field of entitlement. Best to block now before things get worse.

Yeah, Sun and her guards passed her on the way to the execution cell.

It's part of the progression of the show, where every sensate gets a sidekick. You've got Felix, Amanita, Jela, Riley's dad, and the two people in Lito's triad. Will and Kala need to step up their game.

I think he means a brutal, dark depiction of life in a men's prison featuring drug use, male rape and rampant violence.

I've seen it. Frankly, it doesn't hold together that well.

You had to know that after the monster success of Battleship, this movie was going to be coming eventually. I also look forward to Chutes and Ladders, now in post-production.

I'm getting kind of tired of this rampant sequel-itis. "A Dog's Life" is still in the RedBox machines!

Those aren't cushions!

My wife had one of those. I tried to throw it away, but it kept coming back.


"I'm gonna build a ball. A great big, glorious, beautiful ball."

Lieutenant Yertle! Status report!

Every video game movie should be a crossover between that video game and Edge of Tomorrow.

I can't believe it's taken them three years to get around to doing that Birdman sequel.

Well, I don't think that's a valid comparison.

Virtually all of the dangly bits, and thank YOU for bringing up such a painful memory.

"Would it be all right — listen, please — if I were to, instead, extend my foot into your ass? I think that would be better, no? Let us try."

I had my testicles destroyed in a horrific thresher accident, and I found it hot.