
I'm currently in the process of becoming an attorney (albeit not in New Mexico), and the bar of my jurisdiction requires us to be insured.

Fear will never be an obsolete concept, and the best writers always find ways to strike at the particular anxieties of their time.

The extended shot on Olly's face was so transparently fan service that I laughed while watching it.


By definition a serial killer fitting that archetype is unlikely to be caught, but there have been several cases of doctor serial killers murdering their patients.

Henry VII became King of England despite the legal legitimacy of his claim resting on his mother being a great-granddaughter of the illegitimate fourth son of Edward III by his third wife. My point being, might makes right - Dany has a claim because she has three dragons.

At this point he should consider the approach of Orson Scott Card and just have a bunch of adolescents improbably control the world.