Pierre Menard

Trump vs The Pope…

Does Terence Howard also support horrible authoritarian foreign governments like Penn does?

Oh wow, a shallow, empty, pseudo-intellectual art piece/idea from Banksy. What a surprise.

Ugh, that disappoints me. I know some people attribute the flaws with Reyes to the writers alone, and the writers definitely played a part with not giving the character a heap of depth, but I personally think Gish's acting is to blame as well. She struggled to ever deliver a convincing line, and struggled to infuse

The Passion of the Christ directed by Mel Gibson: Gibson is a super talented director, Apocalypto in particular is one of the best films of the 2000's. His talent is on show with The Passion as well, which is a very fine film. The performances across the board are all excellent, and Caviezel portrays Jesus with just

Stumpy was one of my characters on Carnivale. Huss's performance was brilliant, infused with a lot of depth and nuance.

Oh my god, the films are basically pro-capitalist?! How dare they reflect the rational position that most reasonable people generally take.

Cool news. I reckon they've been in really solid form over the last couple seasons, and the 10 episode seasons are just right. It's one of the great TV comedies of all time, so as long as they're still excited to do it, I look forward to watching it.

Attacking people and someone's property on the street is fucked up and the protestors are fucking idiots that should be criticised. But I know, I know, it's The AV Club, if you guys can't be snarky assholes about everything, well shit, the site would implode I guess.

And once again, we have a storm in a teacup. All over some fairly tame comments.

And once again, we have a storm in a teacup. All over some fairly tame comments.

Well, he's totally right of course.

It's always humorous to see people (especially celebrities) preach 'social justice' but also praise tyrants and horrible ideologies that would impoverish more people worldwide than the things they're supposedly fighting against.

Yep, totally agree about Frasier. Structurally and emotionally the 'wish me luck' line is perfect, as is the ending on the plane. The whole point of the finale is looking forward with quiet optimism and taking a risk despite not necessarily knowing for sure if it'd come off, hence why 'wish me luck' makes perfect

Yes but they can do more than reviews, which is part of what I'm talking about. Features, a discussion of a classic, use events like Shakespeare's birthday (as an example, as it was recent) to start off a discussion about favourite adaptations (a cross-medium topic like this would get decent comments I feel), more

Every time this article comes around, it reminds me of just how bad the literature coverage is on this site. Like, really terrible. It's very, very limited and there's little to no effort put in. Beyond that I also find there's a real lack of quality subject matter spoken about even on this article, by the staff, but

Apocalypto: Great film. Fantastic direction and editing, and a simply but beautifully told story with some fine acting by all involved. The cinematography is excellent (and the film looks stunning on Bluray), and the production design and use of colour and music is also very assured and controlled.

Did it ever occur to Al that he simply doesn't want to do it anymore? Like millions worldwide who leave long-standing jobs? And that the other projects are all that he wants to focus on at this stage of his life?

The vast majority of art and culture I love either contains elements I disagree with or ideologies, beliefs and experiences I completely disagree with or am at odds with. Because the quality of art is not dependent on whether or not it sucks my ideological dick.

The Dark Knight Returns is a great Graphic Novel and still one of the best Batman stories.