
It is also the actresses involved. Famke Jansen > Denise Richards.

The villains side-kick is Ralph Ineson who was in Game of Thrones, Guardians of the Galaxy, Office (UK), etc.

Aren't you a little late tonight?

Yeah. It is an oddly beautiful film for what it is.

Yes. I noticed him. I was relatively surprised by the lack of those type of character actors in that film. Only a couple of recognizable faces.

GoldenEye sparked my sexual awakening… i was 34.

Seriously? The movie with Christmas Jones ranks higher than Goldeneye from the Brosnan era films?

First Knight - One of my favorite Arthurian films. Definitely pop-corny but it still hit the spot. Other than my disdain for Gere as Lancelot I think the movie hold up well after all of these years, and beyond that actually ages fairly decently as a well put together action film. Some of the battle scenes are actually

We'll never get the chance to find out (as I will never be last) but i'd say stick to the crazier candidates if you want to make me squirm. A Bush presidency is a known quantity. Ben Carson? That's terrifyingly unknowable.

Dalton and Stafford have a chance of ending the season very very strong.

I just flirted with embracing my villain status. It was just announced that Mettenberger was named starting QB with Mariota out. I thought about doing a drop add of Mettenberger so he'd be stuck on waivers and no one could use him this weekend, but that is just exploiting a rule and lacks sportsmanship so I decided

Yeah, but with my Dez Bryant trade I'm building myself for the playoffs. In the playoff's i'll have a WR combo of Hopkins/Dez + my choice of RB's from Freeman/Miller/Arizona/Martin.

That's the odd thing to.
I am crushing you guys but my team really isn't that dominant.
2 Qb's, 1 Flex.
QB - Stafford, Kaepernick, Dalton
WR - Hopkins, Landry, Austin, Garcon, Dez
RB - Freeman, Miller, C. Johnson, Ellington, Martin (and I finally just dropped Alfred Morris who I played the last two weeks)
TE - Kelce,

Fear, but not shame. So i would power through whatever name is given.

I'll see you in three weeks. I'll still be undefeated and you'll likely be stuck at .500, and that is only because you play our punching bag Otakunomike next week.


Here's the thing: I'm not sure embarrassing someone not to post for a couple of days is a bad thing. If that person cannot put together a decent lineup to avoid last place shouldn't they be punished in a way that will actually entice them to be better? Right now Otakunomike is on pace to be the loser for a 3rd week

For those wondering about what name was too offensive I will share.

Do you really think it is wise to poke the bear?

In honor of Back To The Future Day, I'm playing Back To The Future: The Game. This is my first experience with a Telltale Games product. So far I like it, but i'm having trouble figuring out one of the PC controls. Accessing my inventory seems to want to force me to use my mouse rather than my Xbox360 control.