
This is something i'm really interested in as well. It almost seems like you'd have to go out of your way these days to not make a successful Marvel movie.

I ordered 10 books. They cannot all be winners.

I am really looking forward to Monday or Tuesday. I very rarely buy books for myself but I got a gift card a couple of weeks ago and broke down and spent the entire thing on books. I'll open it up to the comments: What should I read first? In what order should I read all of them?

niaga rotaderP

Isn't there a really bad CGI dove at one point?

I found myself retweeting Patton so much last night that I actually stopped because it seemed like I was just retweeting every single post he had.

Yeah, but watch Ben Carson be the only one who watched WarGames and breaks out the "only way to win, is not play" philosophy and then we are screwed.

How did "retardican" never become a thing? Was it all of the sensitivity about the word retard?

The Palin's always have their kids. Sometimes grandma just raises it as her own.

Laws can be fixed to be more narrowly tailored with less wiggle room. Amy Schumer didn't write this law in a fit of despair. Senator Schumer and his staff have had ample time to draft a measured non-hysterical bill.

Laws can be fixed to be more narrowly tailored with less wiggle room. Amy Schumer didn't write this law in a fit of despair. Senator Schumer and his staff have had ample time to draft a measured non-hysterical bill.

Laws can be fixed to be more narrowly tailored with less wiggle room. Amy Schumer didn't write this law in a fit of despair. Senator Schumer and his staff have had ample time to draft a measured non-hysterical bill.

Indeed. I also hate the people who were like "we never could have imagined people flying airplanes into buildings." Ignore the intelligence reports we had prior to September 11th telling us that was the plan, but most people seemed to forget that Tom Clancy wrote in the mid-90's about someone flying a passenger plane

Indeed. I also hate the people who were like "we never could have imagined people flying airplanes into buildings." Ignore the intelligence reports we had prior to September 11th telling us that was the plan, but most people seemed to forget that Tom Clancy wrote in the mid-90's about someone flying a passenger plane

Indeed. I also hate the people who were like "we never could have imagined people flying airplanes into buildings." Ignore the intelligence reports we had prior to September 11th telling us that was the plan, but most people seemed to forget that Tom Clancy wrote in the mid-90's about someone flying a passenger plane

I think there is an element of that, but as with everything it isn't universal. My friend legit cares and thinks critically about most things, but occasionally falls down that hole of group think and reactionary politics.

Yeah, I have a friend who does the Rethuglican bullshit. I've called him on it several times. But, yes… otherwise reasonable intelligent person and he stoops to that stuff. Disagree with them, prove them wrong, but there is absolutely no reason to call them childish names. Of course, this is a person I had to tell to

Yeah, I have a friend who does the Rethuglican bullshit. I've called him on it several times. But, yes… otherwise reasonable intelligent person and he stoops to that stuff. Disagree with them, prove them wrong, but there is absolutely no reason to call them childish names. Of course, this is a person I had to tell to

