
As I said I think they are clever, but as I point out below I'm big about acknowledge and respecting the office. Even when I disliked President Bush, I'd always refer to him as President Bush, and then maybe Bush within the same paragraph if I had identified the office already.

I'm okay with Obolo. They come up with so many clever ones.

I'm okay with Obolo. They come up with so many clever ones.

Of course the latest version would say, "Why are we complaining about two dead women when tens of thousands of babies get murdered each year and their body parts are illegally sold. Priorities people!"

Which is fed by a title. So, I make it a point to always use the title.

You crossed a line, sir.

Well done, sir. I actually had to look at your posting history to make sure you weren't serious. My first clue was that your posting history was actually open to the public.

Hey Russian Roulette requires everything gun control advocates want: limited ammo, limited ammo capacity, and a background check (after you are dead).

I don't see Russian Roulette on that list.

They'll be here in 5 minutes, we can ask them then.

I think it would more likely be: "Great Feminist Amy Schumer Ate a Burrito Yesterday, and You'll Never Guess What Happened Next".

I saw her remarks starting in the middle, and I actually did a double take when I heard her say, "Chuck". I was thinking, who the hell? But, i'm a huge nerd so I get bothered by a lack of formality with politicians.

Hmm… The podcast is definitely tempting… but that is even more of a time commitment. Maybe i'll look at the episode descriptions and pick on and see how it is.

My time is kind of dominated by work right now. I finally got around to firing my old webmaster and bringing someone new in so there is a lot of stuff I need to do to get our company website to where it should have been all along.

I've recovering from working from home… so every so often I try to reset and start waking up at 11AM. I'm not to a reset yet.

I appreciate it but I won't be watching for the following reasons:
1. This is my first play through of Origins so I definitely don't want too many spoilers and I feel like a speed run is going to bastardize the story which is a main reason i'm playing the game.
2. Saturday has a morning? I'm not familiar with this

I've enjoyed watching Mario 64 and the Tetris guy. Anytime I've watched Mario speedruns I invariably fire up my Wii and start playing again. I've never made 120 stars. There is one or two that always killed me.

I'd be down for Fantasy Football. What site do you use?

That definitely must have been challenging. I had a friend whose parents were both guidance counselors at his school…. I can only imagine.

I also did confirm it was the Sam and Dave version.