
The Benoit tribute episode however is hilarious.

M*A*S*H - the episode where Henry Blake dies, the episode where Hawkeye has his nervous breakdown over the chicken/baby, etc.

The Sports Night episodes "Eli's Coming" and "The Apology".

I don't want to revisit any episodes in my mind enough to give specific examples, but I will say I'm sure the The Wonder Years has full episodes and tiny moments that will forever be devastating.

The last episode of the Golden Girls after Dorothy leaves and the remaining girls hug and cry.

Opie's death in Sons of Anarchy

Frasier's "Room With a View". That's the one where Niles is in the hospital. Watching Daphne break down is brutal, watching Martin try to put on a strong front is devastating.

Lea Michele being kept off screen for the first half hour was inspired.

I wouldn't say it is brutal, but I would hold it up as the example of what Homicide could be.

This popped into my head. Glad you mentioned it.

I haven't watched that episode of BSG since. I haven't rewatched the series because of the ending, but maybe i should revisit just that ep.

I have a life-sentence but I recognize that procedurally my trial was completely fucked up, and potentially there are ways for me to get out of prison. If I admit to the murder any claim of innocence is lost, and if I were granted a retrial my confession will be used against you. Dying in prison vs. being released


He ditched the body in a shallow grave 150 feet from the road in a wooded area known for being a dumping ground for bodies, and he enlisted the help of a stone friend.

I started Ancillary Justice a couple of weeks ago. My reading (of anything) has stalled since then, so i'll have to jump back in.

I finished this last weekend. I definitely agree with your assessment about the game not demanding anything from the player, but I also feel as though the story of survival was lacking any real urgency. Anytime there was a big death they felt underwhelming because my attachment to the sub-characters was almost

It wasn't long and it wasn't boring. Elizabeth Olsen alone makes it worthwhile.

I find your take on Serial mindboggling. You ask which is more likely: a sociopath who has everyone fooled or a serial killer who had means, motive, and opportunity did it?

I was debating about "In a World" a couple of hours ago. Maybe tomorrow.

I watched a couple of indie comedies today.