
Hey, Stephanie actually acknowledged that she had a brother tonight… we can only dream.

I'm hopeful the Orton angle isn't dead. But, I fear they are transitioning him to a face so that when Rollins leaves Wrestlemania with the title, he has someone to feud with who the company trusts.

It is okay to admit that you liked Dr. T and His Women. You don't have to come up with valid reasons to get it taken off of the list.

I like them. I just don't think they are particularly good films or what you'd expect from someone who just won an Oscar.

It was her cinematic follow up.

A rerelease of Retrospect for Life?

Didn't Jonah Hill follow up both of his nominations with a Jump Street movie?

What about Nicholas Cage?

Patricia Arquette doesn't count. Her career ended 10 years ago. Fortunately she started filming this Boyhood movie 12 years ago.

You cannot really judge JK Simmons. The man is a working actor. He's been overlooked so he has to take the parts offered to him.

Yeah, I looked him up. Pretty solid right after.

Helen Hunt from as Good as it Gets to Doctor T and His Women.

There Will Be Blood.

Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff is my poop time. I spend about 15 minutes a day on it, and unless you are willing to pay you'll never get Cumberbatch. He costs 20 clams. I'm close to finally getting all of the free characters, and clearing every spot, but once I do that and rearrange my town i'll probably never play

I've read 11/22/63, and i'll say that I while I liked the book. It seems like with that book, (and Under the Dome) that King has lost his ability to write a coherent ending to the book. Was very disappointed with the endings of both.

Wow, I confused how you don't. When DiCaprio is playing big and high his facial expressions actually look like Liotta… i googled it, i wasn't the only one who saw that.

Yes… i've paid very close attention to those ads. Robbie will also be in Z for Zachariah this year.

I get what your saying, but when I am actively sitting there for long stretches of the movie thinking about and googling Ray Liotta, it doesn't quite work the way it should.

To their credit I actually didn't think any of the accents were inauthentic.

Interestingly enough there were only 3 films nominated in that category that year. One of the Pirates movies, Norbit, and La Vie En Rose which won… for makeup i'm surprised they couldn't at least throw a nomination at: Sweeney Todd, The Golden Compass, and Elizabeth: The Golden Age.