
You don't want to see Snatch?

Speaking as the American son of a Dubliner, my dad's forced accent sounds atrocious. It sounds completely ridiculous to my ears. But when he's around Irish people his real accent clicks back into place.

Don't forget the sharpie still had the cap on.

Funny, there should be an Oscar category for visual effects or something.

Or some entirely new story idea, like Avatar.

I agree. One thing that bothers me to no end, is that the very first memory wiped was the office. In the beginning they wipe the memory of him agreeing to the procedure. It's a ridiculous plot hole. Plus, every girl on OK Cupid has it as a favorite movie.

I don't know what was worse for me as a server, getting stiffed by two middle-aged blonde white women (who always sat in my section), or getting $10 on a $130 tab (my only table for the night, and the tip didn't even cover my transportation that day). Probably the $10. I was so mad, I almost pulled the "you apparently

True. But, I'd rather have a boring commentator than one who's loud and obnoxious. I wish someone would punch Phil Simms in the face anytime he says someone is "pretty good." Give that man a thesaurus.

I agree. My Steeler ambivalence was also ruined by going to college in western Pennsylvania. Also, big Ben is the only player that I actively root for injury.

It still boggles the mind why so many NFL coaches burn any necessary time-outs before the 2 minute warning.

I'll take them over Gruden or Phil Simms any day.

Hotel California needs to be on that list. It has to be the most played song on any classic rock station.

It all was portrayed a bit differently when read. There seemed to be a lot more exploration of the decision to wake someone (anyone else) up at all. Also, the original script had him decide not to, only there was some sort of mistake and he couldn't reverse the process. It still was mega creepy how he decided to wake

I'm not sticking up for the movie. The script simply had him running around an empty space station, alone for over a year.

Reading the script that has been floating around the internet for years, Pratt's character spends over a year alone.

Yeah, the whole family thing was unnecessary. They're villains with explosives in the back of their heads. They don't even have to like each other. That's motivation enough.

You forgot Marvin Harrison being directly involved in two murders.

I once had a mouse go through the motor of my running treadmill. The treadmill didn't even skip a beat.

I think a lot of people have glossed over a simple fact for Mr. PB below. Yes, he was a lot selfish about advancing his own career by asking Diane to stop, at the beginning. At the end, he clearly states he is worried for her safety due to the massive amounts of death threats she is receiving by mail. At that point

Do you think they just brought the McLaren over from the Silicon Valley set? Gotta be cost effective on these shows.