
Honestly: do you remember ever seeing these shoes in the film?
I have watched Alien 10 times and I NEVER noticed anything about shoes.
Wasn't until I started seeing news stories about Reebok actually starting to sell them that I knew they even existed int he movie

Just stop taking about the HoF since we all know how irrelevant they are

My biggest gripes with the prequels that people may not talk about enough (compared to the amount of hate the acting gets)

It doesn't really matter if a movie is horrible, bad or just disappointing.
As long as it's "not good enough" it goes in the Dislike-bin of your mind.
Just like when you look up a movie on IMDB - if it's below 6/10 it doesn't really matter if it' 5/10, 4/10 or 3/10, you're not gonna watch it anyway.

Agree. Only siths deal in absolutes.

The movie was not hard to digest, it was a short an effective little story with some entertaining action and a bit of scifi.
If anything, extending it to a TV show could make it harder to digest.
(probably by complicating everything and adding a bunch of filler mysteries ala Lost)

On one hand: Create a new IP instead of rebooting old titles with new ideas, dumbasses!

Steve Buscemi or Dev Patel as Bond. Something about that thought will give me nightmares.

Whoa, my bad for messing up the year.
Yeah, I agree some of those are more worthy winners.

I agree about the 90s. -There were so many great movies those years that could've won instead.
But regarding Kings Speech, the question is: which other 2010 movie deserved the Oscar instead?
The other nominess were Up, Precious, Inglourios Basterds, Up in the Air, Hurt Locker, An Education, District 9 and Blind Side.

I'll never be able to look at Mulder the same way after having seen Duchovny play Hank Moody.