Doc Savage

I ain't afraid of no ghosts …

A douche bag is a douche bag … a douche tree is a douche tree … people are not skittles … ergo Trump is a douche

I just want to know what music the Saviors listen to … you know, since Negan's bat is named Lucille …

'Were Dwight and his men just hanging out in the woods? Or did they expect Daryl to come back?' - I figured the Saviors set up the roadblock to get them on the rail tracks, but didn't spring the trap until all 3 were there … so yes, they were there to catch Alexandrians, if not Daryl in particular….

But you have to like the part where the airplane full of convicts lands on the Strip … oops, spoiler alert …

She also seems to think the dad is Chapin himself - pretty basic naivety …

I predict this SNL appearance will be the apotheosis of the Trump campaign, showing him to be a crude showman … SNL will be remembered as the ones that took him down, & themselves in the bargain …

Nathan - you watched it twice … that's like heroic AND incomprehensible …

Can it be true … because of Nirvana a whole generation thinks 'never mind' is one word … ?

Nothing wrong with this list … except John Sayles isn't on it …

'Go ahead & have your godless evolution … just don't talk about it in front of me' …

Does anyone else think this stat should be balanced against asses-kicked-by … ?

I want the name of who leaked this spoiler video … thus ruining my full enjoyment of the Rapture….

Leonard Cohen … used to play him on the family stereo until this was forbidden … even after I got my own turntable people would bang on the walls & scream at me through the door … 40 years later I consider myself perfectly vindicated….

… not to mention acting very unpigeon-like … descending 'like flies' & throwing sand like a beach bully …

I'd like to know what is a 'pigeon from Hell' …

House of Cards isn't bad for a show where you wouldn't mind if a horde of rats ate every character in it …