Anybody else remember that awful Leelee Sobieski version that couldn't even be saved by girl on girl action?
Anybody else remember that awful Leelee Sobieski version that couldn't even be saved by girl on girl action?
Where? Is he behind that alpaca?
I should have said "derived from" rather than "form of", but morphine is still an opiate.
Morphine is a form of opium.
It's been a long time since I read the original stories, but I could have sworn that he used both.
The best way to watch is 4, 5, 2, 3, 6. 4 and 5 tell the story up to the big reveal, then 2 and 3 tell the backstory, then 6 has the big finish. 1 has no real useful story info that isn't explained in the other films and just gums up the plot.
The advertising for the new one is just going to remind me to watch the old one again instead, just like Poltergeist and Ghostbusters.
There is a show that I really wish had gotten an ending.
Now that you've mentioned it, I kinda want a modern feature length version of the "Demon" episode of Space: 1999.
It wouldn't matter if they did. You could take perfectly clear picture of a samsquanch and most people would still dismiss it, because photoshop and CGI are things that exist.
I regret watching the last couple of minutes. it would be perfect if it had ended without the bits tacked on the end to set up a second season.
My sister had both the same hair and glasses as Barb.
When did the Winter of 2016 happen? It's still August here in Canada. You Americans and your nonsensical dark ages measurement systems!
Chalky? I don't know what you were eating but it wasn't a sweet potato.
The extras on the Criterion release are well worth watching. Lots of interesting info about how the movie was unlike anything else made in the Japanese studio system at the time. There were actually novel and manga versions of the story released as part of a campaign to get the movie greenlit.
It's called "House". It was released originally with an English title because the director liked to be quirky for the sake of quirkiness.
Football games?
Did you think it was going to be on some OTA network like NBC? At least it's not on something worthless to 99% of the planet like a US cable network or Amazon.
Rich Little says to go fuck yourself, in a perfect De Niro voice.
"Journalism" is sorta like what happened before blogging right? LOL old people.