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    $85 for 12 (maybe only 9) new feature length episodes plus at least 6 old episodes is pretty good value.

    They are adding more "Added Rewards" tomorrow too.

    The Patton news seems to have given them a bump. It just passed $3.3M after getting $60-70K in the past two or three hours. There will be another big bump at the end when it becomes more clear how many episodes there will be. $85 for 6 episodes isn't a great deal, but for 9-12 episodes it is. I'd be very surprised if

    They've already gotten a pledge from me. I'm trying to justify buying the 87 episodes for $150 deal they have going right now but my brain knows that I really can't afford it. Stupid brain. I might have to get it drunk so I can make poor financial decisions without logic getting in the way.

    Which is kind of weird considering 2 of them are pretty fat now. They also seem to have not gotten the memo that gay panic jokes aren't as funny as we thought they were in the 90s.

    I think that she will be giving birth to a surprise baby in a bathtub before the end of the season, but only because I think that they are making her look a few ponds chubbier in every episode.

    He's been in every Tremors movie and the other TV series, so I would hope he'd be in this one.

    There would eventually be conflict with Brock, but that's just a bonus built in story line.

    If by model you mean looks nothing like, then yes. It's literally just an old sled that someone stamped Rosebud on for a wrap party gift. I have no idea why anyone would think it was very valuable.

    It isn't even a repro. It looks nothing like the sled from the movie.

    Summer Rea, who can actually wrestle and cut a coherent promo is being used as arm candy. Meanwhile, Eva Marie can't do either of those things at all and is being pushed as a wrestler. What a fucked up company.

    Being the only creditable threat to CenaBella for a whole year was not good for her development, in ring or as a character. If Nattie and Summer Rae had been given more consistent in ring work, and Emma kept her klepto problem in check, the division would have been in much better shape when the NXT 3 arrived.

    Also hire some writers who are actual wrestling fans.

    Well It's the Big Shoooooooow…

    Zeb has already stated that he didn't want to include Canada because reasons, but maybe he would make an exception for Owens bringing in just Quebec.

    I'm predicting a triple threat match between those 3 for TLC.

    The Full Sail crowd needs to stop booing her and start ignoring her. If the whole crowd silently turned their backs to the ring whenever she appeared, WWE might finally get the point that their Eva project has failed.

    He needs to become a Paul Heyman Guy

    That needs to be added every time Trump's name is mentioned. In every news story and debate he should be referred to as WWE Hall of Famer Donald Trump.