They seem to making her slightly fatter in each episode. I predict she will be giving birth in a bathtub before the end of the season.
They seem to making her slightly fatter in each episode. I predict she will be giving birth in a bathtub before the end of the season.
I'm gonna pretend it's actually Frank Conniff until told otherwise. I know Joel said he wanted an all new cast, but the idea of elderly Uncle TV's Frank still henching for the Forrester family is too much fun.
I'm thinking about tossing in $35 before TurkeyDay and upping it to $100 later if it looks like there will be at least 9 new episodes. I'm part of the problem! 8-P
Did anyone get their head nailed to a floor?
It's actually quite palatable. It uses guar gum and carageenan as thickeners, like most ice cream. I use their 5% "cream" in my coffee all the time. It's pretty much indistinguishable from regular 10% cream.
Bob La Bomba, Bob La Bomba!
You sonovabitch!
But if the British villains weren't charming, well, that's how Guy Richie movies happen Daniel. Do you really want that on your conscience?
That's gross. Then he stacks a bunch of them. Ewww.
Have it moderated by Neil deGrasse Tyson, who will spend the whole hour explaining to them how they are wrong about everything.
Will there be a sketch where someone tries to explain the difference between history and Charlton Heston movies to Ben Carson?
FUCKING RUBBERNECKERS! Everybody loves a trainwreck,
No Cow and Chicken? They had an episode with a gang of predatory lesbians trying to recruit Cow. It was just one long string of bull dyke jokes. They even had a softball team.
I AM going to check if the local ceramic painting place is full of desperate housewives carrying water bottles full of chardonnay.
Pepe has been killing it too.
Yup. Having to slow down to Bella level has been hurting the NXT women since the callup.
I've referred to them before as Down Syndrome Sonic Youth. I'm not proud of it.
Despite the weirdly MRA bent this discussion has taken, I'd like to point out that Carrie Fisher's writing is damned entertaining and informative. I've been reading her books lately and been thoroughly entertained, both by the autobiographical ones and the only slightly fictional ones. When not whacked out of her…
Probably because Poebe Cates was in that movie topless for the sole purpose of giving young men of the era something to fap to; a job she was well paid for and agreed to do. It's part of the plot of the film. Random woman on the street has signed no such contract.
He didn't buy all that trilby polish for nothin'. He's a man with a plan.