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    I prefer the classic British approach of nailing their heads to the floor.

    Most of the stuff written on his arms was clearly phone numbers. I think it was just upside down girl who gave him an email address.

    She's actually a trained forensic technician, so there's a good chance that if she was not an actress she would be doing the mundane real world version of what she does on the show.

    Virus writers used to have a sense of humor. In the early 90s there was one that would ask you for a cookie. If you typed "cookie" it went away for a while, if you didn't it ate your hard drive by encrypting it.

    It was particularly stupid considering Rollins, supposedly the heel in this program, could have just gotten himself intentionally disqualified at any point to retain the title. It would have been the smart thing to do considering he had a bigger match coming right after. Doing it that way, you can have the Authority

    I was really hoping that WWE would burn off the rematch right away so we can finally get to the Bella free good stuff. The women wrestlers should be tearing it up NXT style on RAW while the Divas job to each other on Smackdown and Main Event.

    Especially if it ends with Kane's retirement from in ring action. The split personality angle would be more interesting if I hadn't seen Abyss do it perfectly in TNA last year.

    The AFA is the FRC's alt.

    I really liked it. There were rumors of a sequel/remake for while but I don't think it went anywhere, unfortunately.

    I'll have to take a look for that. Thanks for the tip.

    Morrissey and reality haven't been on speaking terms for quite a while now.

    How about doing something useful like cutting the Hobbit Trilogy down to one 3-4 hour movie that doesn't suck, internet?

    I don't remember the quote, but at one point Buffy points out how weird it is that all of the vampires suddenly know martial arts as soon as they turn.

    This is a real movie? I saw the trailer somewhere or other and just assumed it was a joke ad for a fake movie like College Humor used to do back when they were funny.

    Who knew Austin Powers was derivative?


    Same here. That's the problem.

    He needs to stop dicking around with all of these movies that aren't Hellboy 3 so we can see Hellboy 3 goddamnit.

    It can be two things.

    Ah, carry on then.