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    I must have caught them on a better night when I saw them. Ozzy was only off key about 15-20% of the time, which is pretty good for Ozzy, even in his prime.

    Yeah, I've always assumed that the GOP threw that election on purpose because they knew that they had no hope of cleaning up the mess W made.

    Dammit, beat me to it by mere seconds.

    Didn't see Ghostbusters II, huh?

    That would be a worse job than assistant crackwhore.

    Christopher Meloni and Elias Koteas, but they won't tell us which one is which.

    Vhy is she drippingk vit goo?

    More likely a reference to the gender neutral skirt uniforms from Star Trek:TNG. I don't think they were ever used after the pilot episode though.

    I'd like to see New Day get their win back next week, then a logical feud progression, but this is WWE so I doubt we'll get that. At least it wasn't a squash match and New Day looked good until the ending.

    They can't develop new stars because as soon as someone starts to get over, they get fed into the inCENArator and have nowhere to go but back to the midcard.

    The ending looked really awkward and botchy to me. Somebody's timing must have been off because the last 10 seconds or so looked like nobody knew what the hell was happening.

    Shit. My newphew's gonna be pissed if he can't watch Shapeville Park whenever he wants.

    Democrats: Low information voters
    GOP: Low factual information voters

    That platform didn't work out so well for Mitt Romney.

    I like the second one with young, creepy as fuck Tatiana Maslany.

    They are nowhere near as bad a KFC fries.

    Yes, and McDonalds has a Whopper clone called the Big Xtra or Big 'n' Tasty, but not in the US.

    You missed a recipe with no measurements provided, and being told to pre-heat your oven for no reason.

    I thought he was getting a statue?

    The important question here is did he have an actual hoverboard, or one of those goofy handleless segway thingies that people call hoverboards despite the fact that they in no way actually hover?