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    Or his boxing. He's a legit gold glover but in the "trading punches" spot he's throwing weak looking forearm strikes.

    I probably shouldn't have put the mid-season twist in the title.

    I really need to finish that script for Alien Nazi Ghosthunters. I'm sure the History Channel would be all over that.

    Fuck you and your 4 autoplay videos on one page.

    They should have just released the Roger Corman version instead. With Rifftrax. I'd actually go to a theatre for that

    Are Uncle Jessie's twin kids locked in a trunk with the younger daughter from Family Matters?

    I think Cena will be merging the US Title with the WWE Title pretty soon, unfortunately. I'd like to see it stick around as a TV title that has to be defended every week on one of the 2 main shows. Cena's challenge thingy has been damned sports entertaining and I'd like to see it continue with someone like Caesaro

    They really need to give Leva Bates a real contract and hopefully a better name than Bluepants. Now that the woman's roster is so depleted it makes sense to sign her. She's already skilled and over with the crowd, what's the hold up?

    He got better over the weekend.

    I'm more annoyed by Morty's Lemongrab like screeching, but the show is too funny to let that stop me from watching.

    Thanks. Do I need to supply my own black light to read the journal or will one be included?

    I love that he trolled the "shoving it in our faces" brigade by literally shoving the rainbow flags in his own face.

    For some reason when I read Wayward Pines I think it's Gravity Falls and then I'm disappointed that it isn't. Stupid brain, learn to remember show names.

    People doesn't talk right anymore.

    Cesaro vs Ryback would be OK if the feud ended with the IC on Cesaro.

    At least he can afford his crack and booze now without scrounging.

    This comment brought to you by The Blaze.

    That's the movie they SHOULD be doing a remake of.

    That would be pretty cool actually.

    She sounds like the stoned Texan woman from Storage Wars turned up to 11. It makes my teeth itch when she talks.