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    All hairstylists have ugly hair. It's a requirement.

    Also, a Darwin Award.

    I read that it's being moved to a part of the preserve where it doesn't have to interact with idiot tourists. Hopefully the guide who let the idiot tourists open their windows is facing some consequences though.

    It happens to all of WWE's great monster heels once they pass through the InCENArator. He'll be dancing with Hornswoggle by Christmas.

    I think it's more likely that Sami will get his win over Owens after he heals and joins the main roster. He was allegedly getting called up soon, until he got injured.

    I looks like Kidd might have been legit hurt by Samoa Joe in a dark match after RAW, so we might be denied seeing the Uppercats for a while.

    They'll have a 2 month hiatus halfway through to show the darts championship.

    This sounds like it might have made an interesting movie or short mini-series but I don't see how it can be a regular series without the writers Lindelofing all over it.

    I'm looking forward to the Asylum knockoff Dreidels of Doom!

    For some reason I confuse her with Alicia Goranson (Becky Classic from Roseanne).

    I have seen the documentary and he's an egotistical asshole well before the movie even gets funded.

    Not even a shart.

    I'm not sure if you're kidding or not but that is what happened. That's not Jason's bass playing.

    Not to mention putting his drums at the the very top of the mix so they distract from everything else while sounding shitty and plastic. They sound like a cheap drum machine that can't keep time properly. I love a lot of the songs from that album but the record versions are unlistenable.

    Until it got to the animal fighting I thought this was going to be an actual quote from Orson Welles.

    I've snarkily joked that "wimmins all be crazy bitches" was what they were going for in the Diva's division writing, but it saddens me to have it confirmed.

    It's been obvious for the past couple of years that he just didn't give a shit anymore and it really showed in his boring ring work most of the time. I find that he has been better since his most recent return though. He seems more engaged.

    *starts singing Eric the half-a-bee*

    They've reclassified the EU as "Legends" so they can acknowledge, ignore or change anything they want. A Thrawn series based movie or movies would put a lot of asses in seats, so I wouldn't be surprised if they used at least parts of it.

    I'm curious to find out what Balldroid's function is supposed to be other than cool toy every kid and many adults are going to want. I'll also be disappointed if it doesn't get kicked at some point in the film.