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    C3PO really should have been Padme's protocol droid if he HAD to be in the prequels, however, he had his memory wiped at the end of epIII so he would have no knowledge of events up to that point, including the Skywalkers. R2D2 is the hero and mastermind of the whole story, so he wouldn't have told C3PO anything about

    Having looked at a few pictures, Maika Monroe actually does look more like what I'd expect the grown up version of the kid from ID4 to look like. I quite like Mae Whitman, but somehow Maika Monroe does looks more like a grown up version of Mae Whitman than Mae Whitman does, weird though that sounds.

    Why is everyone in the fashion industry so poorly dressed?

    Scaring the shit out of you was the point of the band. Back when they were a generic white boy blues band looking for a way to stand out, their rehearsal space was across the street from a theater that mostly played horror movies. Geezer realized that people loved to be scared so why not try making scary music, and

    Innocent but poorly worded comment could describe most of what Booker says. He really shouldn't be allowed to talk on TV without a script.

    I really liked weaselly heel Rollins, but complete chickenshit heel Rollins is just annoying.

    I think Bray is recruiting Bo rather than feuding with Ryback, but I could be wrong. Bo certainly qualifies as vain.

    I also doubt that he meant it how it sounded, but it does illustrate for the 1000th time why he is terrible at commentary and shouldn't be allowed to do it.

    Their battle was interrupted while Ambrose reenacted the parade scene from Ferris Buellers Day Off.

    30 Helens agree.

    "Hey Uncle Jessie, what ever happened to Alex and Nicky?"

    Mustachioed hipster smiley face.

    THAT'S what that is! I though my brother was just really shitty at emoticons.

    I had the same experience with The Changeling. Finally re-watching it as an adult completely took the fright out of it. Same thing with the giant eyed corpse cooking demon monster from Space 1999.

    Vince doesn't seem to understand that people actually watch NXT and know who the wrestlers are, so he still treats the callups the same as the no-name scrubs from Ohio Vally Wrestling 15 years ago.

    Watch Citizen X on youtube in decadent western 720p for free instead. It's a more coherent and accurate version of the same story.

    She didn't in 2007, I don't see why she would now.

    My money is on a Fawlty Towers like hotel run out of the Tunt mansion. The fact that Cheryl already owns dozens of hotels will not be addressed.

    That's FORMER Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett. <o>\o/<o>\o/<o>\o/

    No, they aren't.