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    Heineken? That is offensive.

    Silly Sean, April Fools Day was yesterday. I SAID APRIL FOOLS DAY WAS YESTERDAY, SEAN!

    He rigged a presidential election for his brother.

    No, He's in trouble for posing with a nigg, uhm, "known criminal".

    They hate her because they recognize she is the ideal Republican, but without all the bigotry and religious nutbaggery.

    Unfortunately they have each been jobbed out so many times that they are just not credible monsters any more despite being huge and capable workers. They are each paid about 1M per year, so they aren't going anywhere until their contracts run out, even if the crowd is bored with seeing the same old shit from them week

    They were in Bailey's hometown and their were a lot of rumors that she would make her main roster debut, so I suspect it may have been a consolation prize.

    *Sigh* Get Melissa McCarthy's agent on the phone.

    I actually like II and III as well, but it's pretty much all self parody and going through the motions after that. It starts going to shit not long after he puts the goalie mask on, really.

    Beaten to death by Ron Hextall with a cursed Winnwell.

    Here's to hoping he lets the girl bite him so he will become a zombie too.
    One step closer to my dream of seeing Arnold play a Universal style bolts-in-the-neck Frankenstein monster.
    *lights cigar* "Smoooke goooood! FIIIAAAAA BAAAAAAAAD!"

    "Not the 9 O' Clock News" is also brilliant.

    It is possible to ad sound effects to things filmed in front of real people. Science!

    They should just do what NCIS and CSI do and just make the same show with a new setting and different characters. It's not like there aren't other hunters. That Cop lady and her daughter would make an interesting core to build a cast around.

    I saw them last year without Bill and they were in good form. Ozzy hit a few bum notes and got oddly out of sync for part of one song, but was otherwise very good. I could have done without the new kid's 10min drum solo though.

    New? Ozzy's been doing it for 25 years.

    Yup. When he started playing Dice, it was obvious that it was a parody of asshole meateads, but so many asshole meatheads identified with the character that it became successful for the wrong reasons.
    It's like Larry the Cable Guy. His audience hasn't figured out that he's making fun of them.
    Nobody ever went broke

    In the book Eli's caretaker was an adult pedophile university professor when they meet. They were using each other. Eli and Oscar seem to genuinely like each other, though it's possible she just recognizes that he was probably going to grow up to be a serial killer anyway, so she may as well get to drink the

    I had no idea that had aired. Thanks!

    It's scary to people whose worldview depends on believing that nonsense, which is why Catholic priests and fundy preachers were recommending it to their flocks in sermons.