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    That's another movie where showing the monsters was a mistake. Barely seen things skittering around in the dark are scary, Gollum's inbred CGI cousins running around are not. Until that point I was feeling so claustrophobic and freaked out that I almost shut the movie off. When the tardgollums arrived I was rolling my

    It's not a popular opinion, but I found that movie to be scary as balls until the *SPOILER ALERT* shitty CGI ghosts show up. The whole thing starts to deflate for me at the moment. Boogie turning out to be just another fucking ancient demon actually made me mad, because for a while it was believable that he was real

    They generally aren't the kind to know or care about facts either.

    It's a horror movie for people who aren't particularly invested in the genre and don't have all the tropes memorized. It's the "Best of Reggae Vol. 2" of horror movies.

    It IS that dude playing Mama in the movie, but then they shit CGI all over his performance and ruined it.

    I hope they stay in NXT until Vince is gone.

    That's my hope too, but more likely whoever wins it will be jobbing to the upper card again a few weeks later.


    It would also have to cover their alter-egos The Hanson Brothers, and side project Showbusiness Giants.

    Has he been replaced as the Official Deflowerer of Disney Starlets?

    I was really hoping that he would "Hulk Up" and get in some offence before getting squashed by Cena.

    I'm actually hoping that Bailey, Charlotte, and the rest of the NXT women don't get called up to the main roster anytime soon. It'll be a shame to see them ruined by Vince.

    WWE now insists on owning the name and character rights so the new talent can't take them with them when they leave.

    For the reboot, they are changing the name to 12 Monkeys.

    Needs more banjo.

    Was he not actually married to Morgan Fairchild?

    That's still remarkably accurate for "True Crime".

    It's also on Youtube if you're a cheap bastard like me.

    I'm sure Lorraine would show up anyway as long as you paid her, ghost related problem or not.

    I wonder what the chances are of The Asylum teaming up with Hammer for the inevitable knock offs?