Carl Smith

I'm hoping that some day when The Simpsons finally ends, some enterprising chap will gather together the twenty or so best Simpsons episodes that have aired since I stopped watching (early 2000's) and present them to me for my enjoyment.
I know there are several good ones in there but it's just too depressing to sit

Is this part of some odd performance art piece I'm not getting, or are you simply reiterating you preference for the coming election? Or are you just happy to see us?

In case anyone's let it slip their mind… Xanderpuss supports Hillary Clinton for President of the United States.


It MIGHT go a little something like this: "I pity the fool that don't phone home!"

(in other words) You just don't happen to like what I say.
Somehow I doubt you'd accuse someone of "wasting bandwidth" if they chimed in by simply saying "Romney's stupid!"
("Of course not. That's a reasoned and salient point, made with great literary adeptness and clarity" - Jack Frink)

Yes and no. Those guys weren't asked to skew their opinions and the first four were from the days before MSNBC went all-in on the Progressive thing. Joe's still there because he gets decent numbers. BTW… Alan Keyes. W.T.F.?

Can you see that I am serious?

"Awesome-a Power!"

"It echoed the kinesthesia of Dornzak Tergythnk's distingué of sadness 'Cry of the Meadow Calf', while still worthy of fitting into the oeuvre of classic post-war Latvian existential experimentia." - Ignatiy Vishnevetsky

Yeah…but most people didn't know who he was (other than "that Richy Rich guy" at the debates) until deep into the campaign. People have known Hillary for 25 years.
Nice try, though.

The Guardian has a tendency to piss all over everything American. They can be quite insufferable at times.
I particularly like when they send a reporter to the deep South every now and then to send back descriptive essays as if they're exploring the habitat of some recently discovered Amazonian tribe.
"These things

Actually I tend to pin point it around 1976 when Diana Christensen, (head of programming at UBS), talked Frank Hackett into folding the news division into the entertainment division to boost overall ratings at the network shortly after the Howard Beale incident.

Hannity's a whore and hack. If MSNBC offered him a show, a billion dollar contract and shares in GE he'd be on there every night saying "Hillary is poised to be the Greatest President this nation has ever seen."
He's a numbskull.

"I was listening to Hannity on the radio yesterday…"
That was your first mistake.

MSNBC was in a bit of a tight spot, because a large hunk of their audience are Bernie supporters. I think they wanted to balance the obvious story of Hillary getting the nomination while still "giving a voice" to the Sanders crowd.
Fox was in a similar dilemma several months ago trying to keep one toe on the

Wondering how many more times she'll be "introduced" to the country between now and November 8.

Yeah, well…fuck the media. Or more to the point, television news. If Trump somehow wins this election they will only have themselves to blame. It was all fun and good for ratings to give him millions of dollars of free coverage, ("who knows what he'll say NOW?!") when it was assumed he'd flame out and drop off…(get

"The network’s bias is toward higher ratings and more money."
(tears up Journalism School diploma…pulls pictures of E.R. Murrow and Eric Sevareid off the wall…cries)
When did THIS happen?

Yes…. like that's the only Zeppelin the Germans ever made.