miles b

I'm still very excited for next season, especially if it's how they wrap it up. I just feel like this season was a waste and plot could've been better all around.

I think they were desperate for someone and didn't do their due diligence with completely vetting him. Happens quite a bit.

I saw an interview with her. It's apart of her religious beliefs, which she really doesn't talk about.

He also had the best 1-liners on the show too.

My favorite thing about that scene was the Chinese dude getting mad over Ben using 'Chinaman', but not at the way, way more offensive term 'Chinaman's chance'. A bit of incredible irony on the part of the writers.

Yeah I def get that, but he was the one that put up with all the bs and the controversy, and still persevered. People forget his show got horrible reviews before people actually listened to what he and Neal were trying to say. He put that tough work in, and IMO was more successful than his black sketch comedy

Yeah I def get that, but he was the one that put up with all the shit and the controversy, and still persevered. People forget his show got horrible reviews before people actually listened to what he and Neal were trying to say. He put that tough work in, and IMO was more successful than his black sketch comedy

I was just about to post this. These types of things are only effective when they're tied to something specific, like a change in company policy or pushing for a particular piece of legislation. Otherwise it's pretty much an empty exercise that won't change minds or move the needle on anything.

Dirty sprite 2. An album he released a couple of years ago. Quite popular with the 18-24 year Olds.

It was the VMAs and she was mad because she didn't get nominated for video of the year. But it was bs on her part because she won like 4 awards that night and Beyonce, Bruno Mars and Kendrick were nominated for Video of the year. Heck, Kendrick was nominated twice because he featured on T-Swift's song that eventually

I was skeptical too, but the guy who overlapped the photos made a gif and there's no question he photoshopped his hands to appear larger.

The only appropriate face for that lyric:

She got a donk still goes at college parties, it's definitely underrated.

I was very disappointed to discover the lack of shake that monkey on this list. That ish was the crunk era personified, instant booty song classic.

I was always okay with how trash martin was as a human because they wrote the other characters so great that they never let him get away with stuff at times.

yeah he was a janitor in the end, that's how he got to pay for college. They scarred Dewey for life lol

Lamont the character was trash. I hated how he always tried to act like he was too good for his dad, even though they both lived together.

"Went through, deep depression when my mama passed
Suicide, what kinda talk is that?"

She hadn't been to Milwaukee in months after the primaries. Obama even questioned how she could win these states when she wasn't visiting them.

As ineffective and overwhelmed as Carter was, I have a feeling this Trump presidency is gonna be Carter times 100.