
I imagine that any forensic evidence is long gone as well.

Oh wow Janice Dickinson has a legitimate claim. I feel awful that my first thought was that she was just trying to get some attention/be in the limelight for a few seconds.

I feel like Jess and Ryan have to similar interests to be a functional couple. It's weird - on this show he's a total hottie but on Once Upon a Time he's just some bland background character. Maybe it had to do with being on a show where mostly everyone is attractive.

I'm betting on an American Horror Story that takes place in Colonial America, and deals with the Roanoake mystery.

Hey Fox, the Onion called. Seriously, this reminds me of Sex House on so many levels.

I'm just gonna put this out there, but sometimes (more like all the time) Justin Theroux's innate sex appeal and dripping hotness takes away from the gravitas of the show. I want to be able to take in the show's message, think about its metaphors for depression, etc., not think about what he looks like naked.

That may be a bad idea. Zaheer seems like the type who could "step off the wheel" just like Iroh did before he died. If he were executed, Korra would need to take away his bending first.

Oh yes, I remember now.

Isn't that from The Neighbors?

It's already been attempted. It wasn't particularly good…

I came on here expecting The Mamas & The Papas' Creeque Alley wouldn't be on here, then there I saw it. You do not disappoint AV Club.

God bless you.

I could by the girl as a freshman. But the guy, yeah no. The actor is *definitely* older than 15.

I like the opening credits…

So that tentacle monster porn scene. That happened…

I'm okay with that too.

Sometimes Rigby genuinely gets on my nerves. I wish the writers would give him the same character growth they've given Mordecai.

Ah, lol. That's who I was thinking about.

The outlaw Katara and Aang befriended early in the series, but he wanted to flood a Fire-Nation town by destroying a nearby dam. So Katara froze him to a tree and Aang and Sakka prevented the dam from being destroyed. They later encountered him in Ba-Sing-Sei and he ended up being captured and brainwashed by the

It's possible that he's a master of anti-bending martial arts.