
Just a small correction, Ghazan is an earth-bender, not a fire bender. I enjoyed his strange earth-bending skills. I never figured that they were able to turn stone into magma, but I guess it's sort of similar to how water-benders can freeze water.

Every one's gonna bang Justin Kirk. He just looks like one of those characters.

This review is pretty spot on. It's essentially a new show all together.

See? Already trying to seduce everyone.

The Tea Party was right! Obama is a communist Muslim trying to implement Sharia law!

Yeah, I don't care too much for her character. She really hasn't added much substance to the show. Which is a real pity, seeing that young females in her position were few and far between.

The only reason I've watched Halt and Catch Fire is because of my massive crush on Lee Pace. The show has lost a ton of steam, which is sad since he's such a fantastic actor and absolutely adored him in Pushing Daisies and The Hobbit franchise.

She only had like two lines in the entire pilot.

I have the same sentiments.

That's a tad harsh for a pilot. Plenty of shows have gotten their act together after their pilot/first seasons. Example: Enlisted, Parks and Recreation.

Given some of the political talk, I'd say it's similar to a pre-Revolutionary Iran.

I don't think we saw enough of the wife to really pin her down as a Middle-Eastern Lady MacBeth. But seeing where this show could go, it's definitely possible.

With good reason too. Now we know who the eponymous Tyrant is, or who will become it.

To me, he's not really a *spoiled brat* but wants to be a *spoiled brat*. If that makes any sense.

I would have to disagree about the writer's analysis of the daughter Emma. I didn't see her unruliness as teenage angst. The reason she didn't want to be there was because she knew about some of the shit that was going down and took her father's word for it.

I absolutely love this movie. Also, this is when I realized I had a thing for extremely Caucasian men.

You and everyone you love will die one day.

I'm still hopeful for a Victor/Proteus scene.

I saw it as a metaphor for how nature is constantly attempting to re-take what was once its. And since Pops is one with nature, he's the perfect conduit as a lollipop-human thing to do so.

I'm not looking forward to next Monday when I watch this on Hulu. I hope this show wins an Emmy, mainly out of spite at Fox for cancelling it.