
It all makes sense now. I wonder if Michael Fassbender is in on this? I think he's dated like two of the women in the coven.

I started to really like Piper after the season 1 episode Bora Bora Bora, where she intimidated the hell out of that little shit in the wheelchair.

The show does a great job at projecting the viewer right into the show, via Piper, allowing us to feel every cringing emotion possible, especially with her interactions with Brook.

If I encountered someone like 10-year old Susanne when I was that age, we probably would have been best friends. She is way more intelligent than people give her credit for.

Her parents are good friends with the Warden, so Susanne is able to be with the general prison population rather than be in a mental ward or isolation.

Why am I attracted to Schneeburger…. WHY

Never heard of this artist before watching this. Glad I did, this is right up my alley!

I read the summary of this series on Wikipedia and let me ask, what the fuck was wrong with the author for her to write all of this? This is some messed up shit right here.

Books are for losers. And since I'm a loser, I guess I'll be ordering them online since I refuse to do business with Barnes and Noble. Somehow it's the only bookstore around here…

Wow, it seems like everyone nowadays has a throbbing boner for Game of Thrones. I should watch it some time…

Technically there aren't even supposed to be female angels, if we're solely using the Bible as our source since all of the angels mentioned in it are male, or have male names.

You're forgetting that demons can be cured. So unless Sam curing Dean causes the gates to Hell to close (if Sam was still mojoed up that is), I think Dean will either just end up being cured or becoming the next King of Hell.

I'd say exposing your children to pure horror on a regular basis counts as abuse.


And since Metatron is so well versed in pop culture, he'd probably do a Hannibal impression on purpose. Just to fuck with them, especially since Castiel would be the only one to get the reference.

Maybe. I'm not completely opposed to the idea… Perhaps the writers will do it in a way that works.

The first thing that popped into my mind during that scene is that, "wow, I didn't know that angels could be basic."

I don't think we have to worry about Sam somehow becoming an angel or host to an angel. With having to deal with Lucifer wanting his bod all the time and Ezekel possessing him, I bet the concept of being host to a feathered entity gives him hives.

Maybe Hannah will take up the mantle? Since she's the only other angel whose name we know.