
this! if anyone is actually fond of Tim Curry as an actor, you owe it to yourselves to listen to his song "I Do the Rock". It features all the zany accents and hammy theatricality of his best movie performances, in one 4 minute song, which is also pretty enjoyable as a campy blues-rock number

Dr. Bot is funny, yes, but I'd argue that Patrick Wilson is far and away the movie's highlight. His ultra-deadpan irritation with everything around him yields the most laughs and his character's nature has an ultimately bittersweet backstory. And this comes from someone who normally finds Wilson a pretty unmemorable

Opinions vary, but post-"Maverick" I'd his 2 best movies have been "Braveheart" and "Signs". There's also entertainment value to be found in "Lethal Weapon 4", "What Women Want" (which Rabin dissected pretty well recently on TOS), "The Patriot", "Get the Gringo", and "Chicken Run"

The anachronistic dialogue makes it more accessible but not in a selling-out way. It's all part of the meta humor that courses through the movie.
Apparently Corey Feldman is one of Danny Glover's bank robbing henchmen too. And lots of elder statesmen of western shows, like Doug McClure, Art LaFleur, Leo Gordon, and I

Seriously, Scorsese hasn't made a decent movie in over 20 years? Who really thinks that? I know he has sacred classics in the first half of his career, but are we really operating on a consensus that movies like "The Aviator", "The Departed", "Hugo", and "The Age of Innocence" are not exceptional works? To say nothing

Sorry, I know this is totally tangential to the topic at hand (which: great write-up, AV Club team!), but since there's no central place for we commenters to share announcements, I have to post this here, even though it might already be common knowledge around here: looks like all the recent former AV Club staff