
It's been said but man Krombopulos Michael is such a great character. I loved seeing him offer a prayer to the moon, solemnly gaze at a picture/locket of a loved one, then cheerfully add "well, here I go killin again!" It's a real shame he died but hey, infinite timelines. Some other version of him could easily

I would've liked it better if the fourth dimensional being was radially symmetrical but you can't have everything I guess.

Flow Like Water's a great track but I'm 99% positive that wasn't the song they played at that moment. Sounded like it though

I've been digging the new season, I think AT is as strong as ever.

As much as I am loathe to say something positive about late season Dexter, season 7 actually did exactly this, with a pretty badass European gangster character who was out to get Dexter for murdering his boyfriend. Granted, he wasn't the protagonist, but they also didn't really paint him in a negative light. He was

Remember that he's of the same generation as grandma Katara, try Imagining HER in a fight with these benders. The fact that Zuko is still as capable as he is, riding around on his dragon and all, seems pretty remarkable when viewed from that angle.

Yeah, I'm rooting for Elizabeth in all of these scenes, though its frustrating to me that the only explanation she gives Paige is "because I told you so" rather than explaining that she's being taken advantage of.

Would you prefer that she just went to a sperm bank or something?

Yeah but they could only pull that once, maybe twice tops before we'd all call bullshit.

I don't think that's enough to excuse the show. It's not even the writing that I'm talking about here (though yeah that's not great either) its the filmmaking itself. There's no mood or atmosphere. Every scene looks the same. Characters running through the woods is tired now for this reason. It's not impossible

Its kind of sad how Hannibal and True Detective manage to elicit a stronger sense of other wordly horror than a show about zombies. There is so much potential for this show to be genuinely unsettling and atmospheric, but its just not.

I think that IS the joke

Agree with everything you said but why the need to specify that episode 2 was a masterpiece of (animated) television? Why not just a masterpiece of television?