Krooked Kate

Wait, "all the horrible things Emily hurled at Lorelai in the kitchen"? I thought everything Emily said was fair and accurate. In all the think pieces that have emerged about Gilmore Girls in the last week (and last year, really), everyone is quick to condemn Rory's entitlement and crappy behavior while acting like

Hey, hat-tip for taking the time to check those out! A lot of it does just boil down to personal taste, and I get how that kind of to-the-rafters belting, especially paired with heavy production, isn't everyone's cup of tea. I'm not really a diehard fan, but that album and its accompanying video/movie impressed me.

I was nodding along through this whole comment string, so know that I'm generally in agreement with you on this topic when I say: wait, really? Beyonce is one of the very few popular artists I do think brings genuine emotion to her work. Her most recent album in particular is just… interesting, for lack of a better

It's interesting how much celebrity news - or at least, the idea that it is noteworthy and "news" - hinges on our collective disbelief that famous people have the same emotional depth or complexity as the rest of us. I mean, duh, but we're really taking it to extremes lately. The other day it was "Clint Eastwood's

I disagree. "Macarthur Park" is entertaining in its awfulness, that's got to count for something. Someone left the cake out in the rain! It took so long to bake it! I'll never have that RECIPE AGAIN!! Jesus, it's so dramatic. It's an experience.

There have been many, many instances of universities shutting down events and canceling guest speakers at the last minute due to backlash from certain parts of the student body. The argument is always that by giving a "controversial" (conservative) speaker a podium, the school is somehow endorsing that person's entire

I love this. Thank you.

Yeah, this is what frustrates me, personally. People who have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder have generally been put through extreme violence or sexual abuse. Those people don't need to "toughen up," and bludgeoning them with content that depicts their own horrific experiences sure as shit isn't going to benefit them

Yep, I feel the same way. I have a long list of liberal credentials - in terms of what I believe and who/what I am - but at the end of the day, I am beyond frustrated with our collective cultural sensitivity. The "everyone needs safe spaces and everyone has triggers" mentality has zero net positives, and has robbed

As reasonable as that may be, no one wants to hear it from the people who make $25k a year, either — usually because, hey, they were born in a country where they COULD be earning $19,000.000 a year! Ergo it's probably their own fault life sucks.

What do you think Brian Wilson was getting at when he said we keep our boyfriends warm at night?

I can't believe it took seventeen years for us to finally learn what guys talk about.

I get why people can't stop themselves from referencing the occasional spoiler in these comments, but dude, maybe edit/delete this one? Make it more ambiguous? That's such a big thing to give away.

This episode gave me an existential crisis of sorts, because I loved the 2007 nostalgia crap so much — and then I realized that was the year I turned 21, and it was inducing a sense of "yeah, sure, it was shitty, but everything was so much simpler then, too! Can't we go back to the fun, shitty, simple times?"

It's always funny to me how articles about Millennials never talk about the generation as a whole, just the subsection who are comfortably middle class. Most people I know who fall in this age range – including the older ones – are financially insecure, working jobs unrelated to whatever they studied and trained for,

I'm 29 and I generally feel like I'm teetering on the far edge of that age spectrum, even though I'm supposedly well within it. I went to college a little later than usual, turning 22 my freshman year, and I was both amused and amazed at how differently my younger friends and I had experienced life growing up, just

I honestly don't get why people are so hung up on this. I always assume the worst when any sexual allegations are made about public figures, but this is just…. nothing. It's conjecture based on a vague story that was later confirmed to be someone else.

Agreed. As someone who has been dragged on miserably exhausting club nights by a couple of crazy putty/too old for this college pals, Aniston's character is hilariously dead on.

I also found the Russ stuff weak, but it seemed clear to me that Jacqueline came to admire his dedication to his work, since his cases were all about righting wrongs and fighting for the disenfranchised. Her emotional turning point was that conversation in the park, where he said something about his childhood stutter

Her mitten fibers got stuck in the velcro, so it was a longer process than it would have been.