
I know if i were in *her* situation…if i was gushingly pleased about a first, an only, or some special thing shared with my significant other…there would be no question about breaking up if that lie continued to be perpetrated and i found out about it through other means (clearly possible in this case). Yep, it's

I rarely disagree with Dan, but in this case, I'd say that coming clean is a must. It's one thing to sort of not say something that doesn't matter to your partner or that they don't bring up. but if TRUTH's partner makes this much of a deal about and stakes this much importance on being a one-and-only, he's got to

Thanks for highlighting Smitten Kitten, Dan! I live in Minneapolis and nearly every person I know loves the store and feels safe and unembarrassed shopping there. The employees are welcoming, knowledgeable, and it really doesn't hurt that they have demo models of every electronic toy in the shop so you can hold them