
Who are you, James Spader?

Somewhere I have a 1980s Balltestar Gallactica velcro wallet I should break out of hibernation.

RIP Jams 1988 - 1988.

Lloyd Braun took it pretty hard, too.

Don't bother, unless you want in on the joke.

I was expecting a slomo clip of Harrison falling off the treadmill.

Nexflix is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke. Now that's an addiction. You ever suck some dick for Netflix?

An odd mix of cinema.

I'd like to smash Katherine McPhee, if you know what I mean.

There's *so much* there in BE that it's hard to pinpoint at times.

How old is your boyfriend that he's too old for video games? 80?

I feel like a lot of it has to do with the idea that an entire legion of baby boomer heroes, musicians that made their names 1963 - 1973 with soulful, deep, heartfelt emotion, all adopted the very post disco, made for MTV sound that was 80s pop.

That's a pretty good year.

Also, the role that got Jorge Garcia his Lost role!

I got a few college aged kids at work excited to see the Mad Max films, which they had never heard of.

I hope the Smoking Man's in this one!

Jesse James: Pitt's best performance ever?

The Golden Age of Curb, although it's not a steep drop. How can you top the Car Pool Lane?

I'm definitely an Angel guy, myself. One of the darkest shows I've ever watched (maybe Millennium edges it out).

M24, bitches!