Yes. I am saying take away the reward(s) not just Thicke, but for all of them and it will go away. Supply and demand and all that…
Yes. I am saying take away the reward(s) not just Thicke, but for all of them and it will go away. Supply and demand and all that…
I think it's understandable as he is the public "face" of the song mostly. People don't like to think too hard.
Actually I blame them both. Pharrell is a misogynist douchebag who wrote a rape-y song. Robin Thicke is a misogynistic douchebag who recorded it.
I identified it for what it is the first time hearing it. I immediately disliked it. Didn't need anyone to tell me how to think.
No, you were correct. He was using #YesAllWomen derisively. It was massively offensive. Just another instance of saying women don't count. Their ideas, issues, struggles, etc., are not at all important and here let me mock them for it because…patriarchy.
I don't know if misogyny is a lesser crime than cultural appropriation. His particular psychopathy seems to be that if you want it it's ok to take it because…wait for it….white male privilege.
Well if they take away the money then these assholes won't be getting rewarded for their misogyny.