Of course, as we all know, Rose Quartz and Greg DID eventually create a kind of 'fusion' of their own…and his name was Rose Queg. Rose Grortz. Grose Quargtz. At any rate, it was an abomination unto God and they had it incinerated.
Of course, as we all know, Rose Quartz and Greg DID eventually create a kind of 'fusion' of their own…and his name was Rose Queg. Rose Grortz. Grose Quargtz. At any rate, it was an abomination unto God and they had it incinerated.
I remember a list of fake episode title for season three of ATLA. The good thing was, since it was fake, that means "Prey of the Facestealler" is available if anyone needs a title for a Death Metal track.
Also: Evil Genius, Mad Scientist, (as of now) Evilutionary Biologist, Middle Management Mook, a [reverse?] Goldfish Poop Gang (the Gems are essentially this to HER, more than she is to them), Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain (although she's pretty effective so far, since You Can't Thwart Stage One)
I couldn't make out what Garnet said the world will turn into at the beginning-the thing that prompted a big reaction from Amethyst. Anyone catch that?
Ronaldo is constantly on the cusp of having a point. If he was thinking clearly, the point he could be making is this: three-and-a-half alien beings with mercurial personalities and only a cursory understanding of human civilization are the only things protecting Earth from not only an endless cavalcade of monsters…
I assume Connie just told her parents she's taking fencing lessons. They seem like the kind of people who're filled with a warm fuzzy feeling anytime their child says "___ Lessons", regardless of what's in the "___".
By the last series, the franchise was visibly wobbling under its own self-contradictory continuity, so this makes sense. By that point the main character had saved, destroyed, and recreated the universe on multiple occasions while finding time to be a celebrity and a mother.
I think the infection is on his left hand, and he touched her with his right.
"Brave citizens, I come to you tonight with a heavy heart, for a great crime has been perpetrated in the heart of our fair city. Earlier today, the unthinkable happened: murder. Murder, in the middle of our beloved Killing Hole."
It was already a rout at that point. It went from about 40ish Mooks vs. 10ish Elite Mooks and half-a-dozen or so named characters (two and a half noncombatants) to 10-20ish Mooks vs. slightly fewer Elite Mooks and the same number of named characters (minus one noncombatant). Plus, since Dany was the target, removing…
I don't know what the local equivalent of paper-rock-scissors is, but apparently "Dragon" beats "Harpy".
Orgalorg (fitting in perfectly with the idea of Ooo as a child's fantasy world brought to life, 'Orgalorg' is exactly the kind of name a kid would come up with for a universal tyrant) reminded me of Starro the Conqueror. I love aliens that actually look alien.
Jeff seems to choke Abed a lot. Is that a sex thing?
Horror is overrated. I'd like to think someone like the Winter King would be making strategic decisions based on…cold logic. What exactly is the advantage to him in saying "Well, here's a guy who knows not one, but TWO of my weaknesses, who appears to be the only one trying to unite those who might resist me. Better…
I mean…couldn't they? The Wall doesn't go all the way out to sea, right?
If they weren't buoyant enough to form an [un]living raft like fire ants, they could've assembled an [un]living mound from the seafloor up (the water couldn't have been more than a few hundred feet deep, even out by the big boats). They wouldn't have even had to fight the people on the boats, all they had to do was…
I know, right? I'm primed to look for whenever a show is avoiding showing us something, but apparently it was just an extra that wasn't being paid 'face on camera' money.
Great uses of the word "fuck" in this episode.
Ahh…didn't they get like a sample-use out of what's-his-face, King Bob's bastard blacksmith boy? With the leeches? If blood's a one-and-done deal, they woulndn't've bothered keeping him after that. And I'm pretty sure the smoke-baby thing was a sex-magic thing, not a blood magic thing. Is the spooge of kings also…