Andre M

That's funny, because my immediate circle of friends *is* comment sections / message board… and podcasts.

Yeah, I really enjoyed that game. I played it a fair amount during a period of depression in my life, and there was something very comforting about it.

I love it. I can see how someone not in the right head space could go in hating it, though.

Okay, I'd never heard it before, and I don't want you to die of a heart attack, but I am kind of liking this. It's catchy in that minimalist way that Snoop Dogg's "Pop It like It's Hot" is. It is a good track!

You've got me pretty curious about Ashley now, at least.

Can you imagine having to neuter 101 dogs? Can you imagine the chaos of not having them all neutered?

This was just video of pigs milling around. The only funny thing I could wring from it is the juxtaposition of pigs with police.

It's *so beautiful* though. One of my favorite songs.

('Sbeen a while)

I don't mind Hardwick, but his laughter on @Midnight *never* seems genuine and is kind of a comedy breaker for me.

I had a guinea pig I named John McCain. But that was because John McCain looks like a guinea pig, not because of some affection I have for John McCain.

First of all, I'd love it if one of our elected officials actually understood something about the history of China.

Pretty weird man-boy.

I am probably one of the few people who has seen the original and not the remake of Little Shop of Horrors. The original is some low-budget fun, and it's worth seeing Jack Nicholson's masochist dental patient role.

Julie certainly isn't getting less in my eyes. She is crazy attractive to me.

We all Jah Creature.

We all Jah Creature.

It is the worst. I can't respond with anything but bored impatience when I see it.

Um, I'm pretty sure it's Transfivemers.

Bigger than Lenin? Better talk to the Soviets about that!