
After bonding w/Huck in subway over period of time she felt gratitude when he saved her from 2 purse snatchers. She discussed w/her dad but then Huck disappeared. She asked him to check into his whereabouts through one of his contacts. He told her that Huck had a rap sheet and was arrested. She did some checking and

Actually, it was an artery that she bit down to and through. Hence the large volume of blood spewing out so quickly.

As noted, Shonda has said there is a definite end and she already has in her mind how the show will end and she doubts she'll change that. Taking this into consideration I really don't see Kerry Washington and Tony Goldwyn staying on the show beyond 5 seasons. Kerry does movies and Tony has a lot of irons in the

Yeah, Shonda can ruin a show that starts out strong and by season 3/4 nose dives. I was a diehard Greys fan until Shonda came up with the ghost-sexing. Now if that isn't over the damn edge of reason I'm not sure what is. That was enough for me. But, I look around and here we are years later and people are still

Its interesting because I think of the seasons thus far the back nine episodes of season 2 are where things fell apart. The writing was sloppy and that is where the cases of the week were lost. The mole arc was a fiasco and still makes no sense. The whole Jake stalking Olivia and falling in love and this Ops

I beg to differ here. For what selfish reason did Olivia save Huck or Harrison? Quinn, if you recall, was really saved out of guilt so your selfish scenario could apply here; however, the selfish thing to have done would have been to allow Lindsey Dwyer to take the rap for the bombing.