
So what? That isn't the point. If Tig deserved to be spared because his daughter was killed— as retaliation for him murdering an innocent woman for a crime her father didn't commit— then why not Juice? Tig is part of the reason they don't have any other old members around in the first place. (Admittedly, the *real*

Going with what it felt like, rather than what I'd like it to be, it came across like they're pushing us to wonder about Bobbi. This is the first time it's been suggested she's brainwashed, but nearly every time she and her ex are together he mentions how good she is at deception. This was never a subtle show.

Sure, believe a guy with a name like WordCantBeTrusted!

Yeah, just realized my mistake. Still think it's not an impossible leap, but you're right.

I got the impression with the brainwashing of Agent 33 scene that they do that sort of thing a lot. And it'd be weird for someone who's seen it work not to consider they may have been subjected to it too.