Ryan Cole

I haven't heard "Miracle", but there's no possible way it can be worse than "Black Shampoo."

It's unfair to compare this show to "The Boondocks". Two different premises altogether.

This just in: Dedrick Tatum will be edited out of past past episodes, and will now be a Hispanic MMA fighter with a British accent. No similarities to a certain former heavyweight champion with a lisp and light voice from Brooklyn.


Yeah, that music was dope.

I'd tell you to check out the Black Jesus skits on YouTube, but they've disappeared.

BTW season 4 comes out on DVD…today. LOL

I liked this episode. "Pretty Boy Flizzy", "I Dream of Siri", and the Kardashian episodes deserved F's. This one had some good social commentary. The retarded angle milked it a little too much, though.

"Freedom Ride or Die" definitely looked like it had McGruder's fingerprints all over it, which would explain why it was the best episode of the season by far.

Stinkmeaner is hilarious, especially his second episode.

I'm black.

Hell no. Season 3 was great. The only episode I DIDN'T like was the Jimmy Rebel one.

I didn't get think this episode was D- quality. A solid C if anything. It was decent. Definitely the worst Stinkmeaner episode, but this whole season has been some shit (except "Freedom Ride Or Die").

I was actually looking forward to reading a review trashing the Siri episode last week. The lack of one was more disappointing than the episode itself!

There was some commentary about the hair care products, but they didn't spend enough time on it to me. That episode could've been better if they focused on that a little bit more.

His whole dialogue seems like, "Hey niggas! Robert, nigga, you better blah blah blah, nigga. And nigga, don't you even think about blah blah blah, cuz you niggas blah blah blah. And them two lil niggas of yours will grow up to be niggas. Nigga!"

Yeah, I don't like Ruckus as the villain of the show. His self-hate is more malicious and less comical than when he's just another supporting character on the show.

No, "Pretty Boy Flizzy" still holds that title.

Is it me, or does Ruckus say "nigga" way more than he ever has? He even says it way more than anybody else on the show.

Which ones? I'd say that this episode and "Freedom Ride Or Die" were McGruder-ish. The rest of the episodes, nah.