A Olson

Uh, when did they make fun of the Bechdel Test? And why do you think Can Harmon singlehandedly writes and directs this show?

Yet, both The Simpsons Movie and Days of Future Past feature nudity on Disney+. Maybe you can tell me what those two have in common that Splash doesn't. Help me, oh master of logic, defender of double standards.

If he drove drunk on stream he would have gotten the same result, plus he'd be sitting in jail.

Do you seriously not realize that she’s not talking about graphics? Even then, FFVII looked signifigantly better than any other game that came out that year. It's closest RPG competition was Fallout 1, which looks way more dated than FFVII.

Mater might be, but Cars itself attempts to cater to the boomer crowd. Kids don’t care about Nascar and Route 66 and small towns dying and Paul Newman and Hudson Hornets. They do care about toy cars, though, which is why, despite the fact that they’re among the lowest grossing Pixar films, they sell a ton of merch.

I don’t think hating it because it sucks is an irrational reason.

Except, that’s not how it works at all. The girl was always going to become the leader of humanity that destroys the machines. The machines obviously weren’t going back in time to kill random people, they invent time travel on the eve of their destruction in order to kill who they determine to be the most important

Too bad they never made it to the moon.

Surprised you didn’t mention that weird Caitlyn Jenner thing that Che dropped halfway through. It felt like someone added it just before airtime and he figured out he didn't want to say it as he was saying it.

Nah, Kojima actually puts effort into the game part, and basically created the template for the stealth genre. Cage makes makes glorified "choose your own adventure" games. I thought this idea would have been put to rest after MGSV was almost entirely gameplay driven.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, 42 cops have been killed by cops from 2005-2018, so it’s not that weird. Just because they might have racism in common, doesn’t mean that they would be automatic friends. Especially since the extremists tend to lean toward the anti-government or“sovereign citizen” mindset,

“How isS critical of humanity and fascistic militarization, when that’s how the protagonists won the war on the bugs?”

Or, you know, they could have made it better.

Last time I checked, Hitler was dealt with when millions of people decided to get up and take action.

So, did you just wipe the previous decade from your mind? Trump endured three years of constant mockery during his campaign (and more before that,) and it only helped him get elected.

Not a movie, and not horror, exactly, but I found Chernobyl scary. It’s just most supernatural stuff that isn’t scary anymore.

That’s a pretty toxic mentality.

Three Kings? Is that some sort of joke?

I see Favreau took inspiration from the West Wing for his singing animals movie.

Its amazing that you’re accusing others of being hypersensitive when you’re getting angry that they put Tifa in a sports bra.