
I'll see what I think, if it gets renewed, because obviously they'll have to re-vamp the show because they're losing at least half the cast.

The only musical episode I think I've really liked is on Buffy (Once More with Feeling). The majority of the time it just doesn't seem to work for me.

I thought the episode was terrible. The whole musical they all forgot just felt unnecessary and the plot of Emma having the songs in her heart and being able to do stuff with them was even worse, it makes no sense at all.

I think it was probably smart to vote out Zeke. He's kind of jumping around a lot and not sticking with anyone really. Andrea knew he was coming after her, even though they were supposed to be in an alliance, so she got him out first.

I'm so excited that they're (mostly) out of the Framework. I guess we're killing off Mack?

I think they sometimes go a bit overboard with Liv's personality. I couldn't believe Clive thought it was a good idea to have her questioning suspects, I think her just working with the sketch artist (who I felt bad for) would have been a better contribution.

I agree, I think a shorter season would work better. Or they need to break up the season more - the way Agents of SHIELD does.

A few weeks back when Savitar has the line "I'm the future Flash" I thought that it could be Barry. But then I started thinking about other characters we already knew.

I've found it hard to deal with some of Kara's decisions this season. The majority of the episode I felt like Maggie was the one who was right, and Kara just refused to listen. The show has never explored the legal side of the people Kara captures, and I could see them getting a case thrown out because Kara (a

I was not a fan of this episode. I really don't like the twists they keep throwing at us - like in this episode with Rumple's backstory. We didn't need it.

Sarah was right about nobody having used the extra vote or a stolen vote well so far, so I don't have high expectations.

I'm glad the 6-person alliance is over, it'll be more interesting I think next week to see what happens.

I think the show likes Blaine, and wants to keep him as a main character but doesn't really know how to keep him integrated into the story well.

I think this show uses time travel a bit too much and has been really inconsistent about it. There has to be some sort of set rules, and it seems like it's just all over the place.

I really hope that going forward the show is able to balance both sides of Kara's life. Since the move to the CW I feel like they've focused too much on the DEO and not enough on her "regular" life. So I really liked that this episode was not DEO-centric, and was focusing on Kara's journalism and I hope that we don't

The flashbacks always seem like retcons now.

Zeke turned on her though, and wants to vote out her and Cirie. Often once people learn someone they thought they were allied with wants them out they try to get them out first. That was a bad move on Zeke's move.

But what camp did he leave it at? The one they're living at or one of the abandoned ones?


I don't know why this just occurred to me, but they're airing this show against Prison Break. I thought about how it was good the Legends finale aired at 8, rather than 9 because of the shared actors, but this didn't occur to me until I saw your comment.