
I think it has to be Logan. She slept with Logan in the Fall episode, and the wedding was November 5th (according to the sign). If she had gotten pregnant from the one night stand she would have been a few months along, and I don't even think she's seen Paul since the Winter episode. So given the timing, I think it

Luke also does have April, but he missed out on her growing up.

I have a hard time with Jess/Rory. They dated for maybe 3 months when Rory was 17, and now she's 32. They hadn't seen each other in 4 years, but I'd assume that Jess sometimes visits his mom and Luke, so they'd see each other - but there was not even a hint that Rory still had any romantic feelings for Jess.

They included Lane's twins, Lorelai mentioned her marriage to Chris, and with Rory/Logan we really got no background at all on what happened with them prior to "Winter", and I think that was information we needed.

I really have no idea why Amy is setting it up like Rory = Lorelai, Logan = Christopher and Jess = Luke. Lorelai did not have the same life her mother lived, nor did Rory. Lorelai also got pregnant at 16, not 32 -there's a big difference there. Chris, from what we know, was around for Gigi, who was born when he was in

At the funeral she asked Emily about her family coming to stay, that way Emily wouldn't be lonely. Emily agreed to it, because she didn't understand what Berta was saying, but it seems like she doesn't mind having them around.

I didn't like the pool scene and felt bad for those kids, I hope they were at least paid or something.

It's just impossible to say. We never even see his fiance on screen and we know nothing about their relationship. I really don't think the show wants us to care about Paul or Odette, so they're mentioned but we never get to learn anything about the characters. The characters are just totally unnecessary and not even

I don't feel like Loagn dumped her. Logan wanted to get married, because he was ready for that step but Rory just wasn't and really wanted to pursue her career at that time, so they parted ways. Prior to Rory out of the blue getting the Obama campaign job, she had no prospects after the NTY fellowship fell through, so

There was an episode when the Dragonfly was being built (and she was running out of money, she had to even get a loan from Luke) where Loreali was clipping coupons and buying food at the store instead of eating out every day and cancelled the premium cable channels, and Rory made a comment like that was beneath them

Logan did at one point in Season 7. She put down people like them, and he pointed out to her that he (or his dad) was paying the rent on the apartment and Rory was living there rent-free, Christopher or her grandparents made all the big purchases for her (school tuition, a car, etc..). She got mad, went over to show

I think they didn't want the audience to care about Paul, because then they'd have to really address that Rory has been cheating on him. They could have always also said her and Logan just got back together at some point and have a long-distance relationship due to her traveling and gone from there.

Weren't they skeptical of letting him make Willow gay because they had a gay character on some other show already?

I re-watched recently, and finished the show a couple weeks ago. I really don't understand why there's so much hate for Season 7. The Lorelai/Chris story was poorly executed, but that was set up at the end of Season 6.

I thought it was weird she sent them to her mom and Lane both. Paris lives in NYC and Logan lives in London, so I could see her needing some stuff when she was staying with them, but I don't think she needed two places in Stars Hollow.

Rory had an affair with married Dean, she once showed up at Jess' bookstore with the intention of cheating on Logan, and she started to move on to Jess before she broke up with Dean (and I think she may have kissed Jess prior to breaking up with Dean, but I can't recall for sure). I don't think it's widely out of

Rory has her own trust fund. Trix left her a trust fund that I think she got access to at 25. It's not as much money as Logan's is/was, but she has money there. Christopher I think is still loaded, so he may have been paying her rent or insurance. It's not like Rory doesn't have family money.

It's also really unclear how long they've been back in each other's lives or sleeping together, so I thought we needed some backstory there. Rory had boxes shipped to him, so it seemed like this has been going on for a while but it's unclear how they came up with this arrangement (and who's idea it was, and if either

I like Logan and I liked Rory/Logan in the original series, and I thought the revival should have done a better job with them.

I'm pretty sure the same thing happened with Luke Cage.