
I just remember thinking it was rather chaotic. There was something I read, maybe one of Tim Callahan's books on GM, that broke it down as a Tarot card reading.

i read something about AA, like it's supposed to be a Tarot card reading. but then iirc even GM said he went too far with that one and it's too obtuse.

Aw I loved Batman Inc. Ah well different strokes and all that.

"The Filth, Arkham Asylum, Animal Man"

you should check out 7cupsofTea. prolly a bunch of other resources out there like hotlines and presciption assistance but that's the one I think everyone can use. :-)

Sigh, why do I even argue with sad little hipsters….

"They only appear that way to stupid people."

Good luck with your physical therapy! Have to scroll down a bit but there's a ton of health related info in this google doc, some of it might be useful:

Last part about the stars is from Alan Moore, as covered in Bleeding Cool's Swipe Files:

The desperate twisting of events to blame Liam for Ffion cheating is pathetic.

Heheheh. Hopefully the Superbowl brings more people to this show.

People need to drop SHIELD and start watching this.

Just watch Brooklyn 99 instead of SHIELD.

Good post gforguava. I've been trying to elaborate on why the Vaatu shoehorn bothers me and you nailed it!

So it seemed to me this entire show depends on Skye's body and getting a peek at her knickers.

2-3 times better than the garbage SHIELD but it gets a B while that NSA apologist crap gets a B-?