
Apologies - wish I had done more research before posting. I didn't mean to mislead, but was pretty shocked at the headline vs. evidence provided. After all the things Kratz said in the doc (for one, the egregious handling of Brenden's "confession"), for AVClub to use that as the primary source behind "damning

I don't think that's fair when Ken Kratz has been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder by the Wisconsin Supreme Court (https://www.reddit.com/r/Ma…, and would say anything to cover his ass. This is not "Great Job, Internet," this is "Bad Job Until You Can Provide Any Real Proof, Internet."

You're right, but I think it only added to the episode. Every Nathan scheme is "off," but just grounded enough so that those he interacts with give the benefit of the doubt. What would Jasmine, or even his grandparents, have said? You're not my grandson? You're not the guy from before? The best case is a really

Not sure why the article doesn't mention it, but Seeso's beta is up and running as of yesterday. The first episode of UCB Show is there, and plenty of original and backlog content to check out until the official launch. Fingers crossed on this concept working, and continuing to support creative original content.

Good distinction. I think that's the biggest thing "It Follows" has on the others. Regardless of how scared or impressed by it you were, it's really a unique take on an "Unstoppable Force." Without getting into spoilers, I think "Goodnight Mommy" has more interesting things to say about horror and motherhood/identity

How does Goodnight Mommy fit in? I was blown away (and it's held up over a couple rewatches), but it seems to pop up in separate conversations from Babadook and It Follows. Those are the big three for reigniting my horror interest lately. Before that, it's been several years since anything except for