Mike Palmer

Not going to lie I was hoping that Wes was still alive and all of this was down to get Annalise cleared. After last nights episode my theory is that there is a blood feud between the Mahoney's and Castillo's. Someone mentioned earlier the person that Wes called in the Cab was probably Sylvia Mahoney and that she was

Good theory. I could see Wes and Eve working together. Do you think Wes knew he was about to be killed or something ominous was going to happen to him, hence why made the call?

In my opinion I think this is going to turn out to be a dream either by Wes or AK. He will either wake up in the house or wake up in the hospital. For all you old school fans remember Dallas season that Bobby "died" and it turned out it was all a dream. What are your thoughts?

I agree with you. I believe Rowan and Jake had are behind it. I also believe Charlie is using Quinn to keep tabs on whats going on in Pope and Associates. Charlie is working with Rowan/Jake on pushing Olivia to purse Cyrus. In Rowans famous words to Olivia "against me you will never win".

Agreed, Charlie is working with Rowan and Jake IMO.