
None of the scenes that are supposed to be in Pakistan are believable. (I've only visited India but it's clear to me that neither the indoor nor the outdoor scenes accurately reflect construction in that part of the world.) This season was obviously filmed in a more developed, more Westernized country.

Maybe Quinn was calm and unemotional because Carrie was back to being who he always thought she was.

Nah. I think it's pretty clear that this fictional CIA is stronger for having Carrie on board.

Regarding Dirty Duck, I really thought his wife would withhold the confidential info. from her loser husband. She gave it up too easily. I thought she was smarter than that! It would have been a great plot build to see her withhold the intel and watch her suspicions of him build.

He fulfills the writers need to have one character say what we, the audience, are all feeling. In real life, no guy in his position would be so loose-tongued.

Good idea!

I was thinking the same thing. Once it was known that Haqqani, the terrorist, was acutely aware of the drones (even going so far as to execute his own nephew for accidentally leading the drone to his lair), it should have been standard practice to fly many multiple drones so that the enemy couldn't easily track which

Continued Quinn/Carrie relationship drama in this episode would be unnecessary and would have taken focus away from all the other great stuff…There was more than enough drama in the Saul hostage escape situation, the Saul/Carrie trust breach, the "who is Khan, really?" plot, and Carrie learning the Ambassador's