Jenny Block

I do it every day. I simply hit delete. Life is full of info. We have to constantly pick choose what to connect with. It's part of being in the world.

She's a volunteer. We're all volunteers. No one at Starlight is paid. Again, I don't see how suggesting that money collected for potato salad goes to charity is spammy or noise. But, as I said, that's the great thing about the web. To each their own! Have a great week!

I don't think that sharing a link for a non-profit that helps kids with HIV is self-promotion. The great thing about the web, and anything for that matter, is that people can choose what to read and what to click. So, I shared for those who were interested. Those who aren't can simply skip over it.

That's a shame. Seems like a much better idea than this guy's pocket. Maybe I should start one for having more orgasms in line with my upcoming book project!

It would be amazing if Zack turned this around by making a a huge donation to charity of the entire amount he raised. If he needs any suggestions, we could sure use $40,000 for Camp Starlight where we hold a free camp for kids infected with and affected by HIV. Just a thought…